Sim Garden

Your private medieval garden.

Plant, grow and sell fruits and vegetables. Cut down trees and build high beds for your plants. Buy magic items, to help you on your way.

Remember to weed out the weeds, and take care to water you plants in dry seasons.

Fishtank Simulator


Simulate what it's like to own a fishtank.

Buy a variaty of fish, and watch them grow before your eyes with the adjustable game speed.

Decorate your tank, and make it look nice and pretty. But remember to also include airpump and filters, or you'll be in for a nasty surprice.


It's down there...

Build your ultimate high-powered digger machine, and blaze through the chrusty mantle below, to collect even more ressources from the depths.

Use those ressources to upgrade and fund your ever deepening excoursions into the depths of the earth.

Sim Garden, the fantasy garden manager game.
A screenshot from the development of Fishtank Simulator, showing a mockup of fish in a fishtank.
Concept art for the digger machine for the mobile game DiggR.
Sim Garden, the fantasy garden manager game.
A screenshot from the development of Fishtank Simulator, showing a mockup of fish in a fishtank.
Concept art for the digger machine for the mobile game DiggR.